For you 0-25 years
Become a member of Young Eagles

As a member of Unga Örnar, you get to participate in fun activities, learn more about your rights and influence issues that are important to you. You also contribute to children who cannot afford expensive activities having fun and safe free time. First year is always free. After that, 95 percent of all departments have SEK 0 in membership fees.

For you 26 years and over
Become a member of Unga Örnars Vänner

Membership in Unga Örnars Vänner is for you who are 26 years of age or older. You contribute SEK 17.50 per month which is paid in annually, it goes directly, unabated to the operations in your region. It makes a real difference. 

Here you will find answers to the most common questions

1. To take part in our fun activities around Sweden! You can, among other things, go to camp, participate in homework reading and democracy clubs. 

2. To learn more about democracy, children's rights and how you can influence issues that you think are important! 

3. To support the fight for children's rights! All children have the right to an equal childhood and the more we are, the greater chance we have to influence Sweden's rulers and politicians. 

As a member, you get the opportunity to participate in our activities and also to influence and help shape it. Being a member of a democratic organization means that you get a vote to use at, among other things, our annual meetings. When you become a member, you also need to follow the organization's rules in order to continue being a member. We call our rules for statutes. 

Most of our departments have free membership. Even if your department has a fee, membership is free for the first calendar year. 

Fill in the correct form above and you will become a member. If you become a member of Unga Örnars Vänner, the membership only becomes valid when the invoice is paid. 

You will be placed in the association that is closest to you. If you want to change, you can do so when you become a member or by writing to

click here to see which departments are closest to you. 
Contact member support at then they will help you!

Contact member support at then they will help you! 

No, Unga Örnar is a politically and religiously independent organization. This means that it is our members who decide what we should think and do - not a political party. 

Unga Örnar is the children's and youth organization of the labor movement*. Being part of the labor movement means that we share our basic values, which are equality, democracy and solidarity. However, this does not mean that we always think the same thing or always agree with each other, but we are born from the same movement.

* The labor movement is a collective name for a people's movement that consists of many different organizations that work together for society to be equal, democratic and solidary. Other examples of organizations within the labor movement are the Tenants Association, LO (trade union) and the Social Democrats. 

Your membership is valid for one calendar year (ie January – December, regardless of whether you are a member in, for example, April or October, you need to renew your membership in January of the following year). You need to renew your membership every year. We send renewal flyers to you via e-mail, SMS or letter at the beginning of each year. Then we also do a mailing just before the summer. 

click here to see how we process your personal data.
What a shame! Contact Unga Örnar's member support at then they will help you!