This is what the contribution has gone towards!

Private individuals and organizations contribute money to the Summer Fund so that more children and young people have the opportunity to have an active summer and collect summer memories. The grant is used to organize local camp activities throughout Sweden.

Young Eagles Köping
This summer we had five weeks of activities for Köping's children. WE had different activities that were fun, educational and exciting. We cooked every day and ate together. Activity on site could be anything from drawing, beading, playing cards, playing block in the yard, dancing or ball games.
Young Eagles Refuge
The trip to Kolmården was very much appreciated and a great adventure for many families – dolphins, playgrounds, all the animals and the cable car. Along for the trip (in the sunny weather) we were a total of 56 children and parents who joined us in a joint caravan of private cars to Kolmården.
Unga Örnar Tingstäde
The theme of the picnic was preparedness and the children learned how to cook in a triangular kitchen, make candles, carve, chop wood and, of course, make a fire without matches. We also talked about what is good to think about, for example having flashlights, a water bottle and canned goods at home.
Young Eagles Husum
The activity we did with the money we received from the summer fund was a day activity for children aged 7-12. The activity we did was that approximately 60 children got to go on a trip to Umeå at Stora Hopp och Skoj. Thanks to the money from the summer fund, we were able to offer this trip for almost 60 children completely free of charge, which means a lot to children who don't have an easy time getting away in the summer.
Young Eagles Forest bed
On the trip to the Sagostigen, we were 37 children and adults, here it was rain, rain and rain during the entire excursion. The Sagostigen (in the municipality of Flen) offered an environment of fairy tales, nature, animals, ponies, theater and a playground that was appreciated by children and their parents.
Young Eagles Råslätt
During three weeks in July Unga Örnar Råslätt ran open activities for children aged 7-11, Monday to Friday at 9-15. We had 10 young people from junior high and high school to help us. Several now become active members and help in our activities.
Young Eagles Refuge
WE became 27 children and adults. A day where the hours flew by with lots of fishing, grilling, coffee and socializing around the grill and outside in a scenic environment. The only thing missing was a really big catch, a number of smaller perch.
Young Eagles Gotland
Thanks to the contribution from the summer fund, we had a fantastic evening at Tingstäde träsk (lakes are called träsk in Gotland). We played and competed against each other in teams in different assignments and different branches, several of which come from Gonattot, which we usually have at camps where it's about cooperation, camaraderie and attitude.

Thanks to the money from the summer fund, we were able to offer this trip for almost 60 children completely free of charge, which means a lot to children who don't have an easy time getting away in the summer.
