Start business

Do you have an idea you want to realize? Do you want to contribute to more children and young people having meaningful, fun and safe leisure time? Then you can start a business with us! It's free and we'll help you along the way!

All members can start a department! However, you need to be at least three people aged 6–25 and at least 60 % of all you who become members must also be aged 6–25. 

The business should be aimed at children and young people, but in addition to that, you can start what you or the group is interested in. It could be, for example, camp activities, hobby groups or LAN activities. Perhaps you want to start a group that works to increase the participation of children and young people in your municipality? The important thing is that the your activity does not conflict with our statutes (organizational rules). Here you will find the rules!

1. Be at least three people
You need to be three people aged 6–25. You don't have to be a member from the start, but it's important that you become one! If there are more than three of you, then at least 60 % of you also need to be aged 6–25. 

2. A business idea. 
You need to know roughly what you want to do. It is of course perfectly fine if it changes over time. But have an idea from the beginning, then we can more easily help you in the start-up work! 

3. Have an annual meeting
Unga Örnar is a non-profit organization and when you start an activity group, you also start what we call a department. A department is governed by a board consisting of at least three people (it can be the same people who will also be members). The annual meeting is a meeting where everyone who wants to be involved and start up the new activity gathers and together chooses who will sit on the board and thus be responsible for the department. 

4. Submit the minutes from the annual meeting to the National Association of Young Eagles 
When the annual meeting is finished, the minutes must be sent to the union office. A minute is a document that shows what the meeting decided on. Among other things, it tells you who will sit on the board and it is important for us to know so that we can contact you. 

5. Now the department is started! 
FUN! Now it's just a matter of getting started. Do you think that sounds difficult? Get in touch! We are here to help! 

Here are  protocols, statutes, tips and other things you may need to start a department. 

Become a volunteer

Young Eagles are nothing without their volunteers! Enthusiasts who plan and implement camps, craft groups and other leisure activities. Do you also want to be part of our community? Become a volunteer today!

Unga Örnar is based on commitment. As a volunteer, you can, among other things, start your own activity group (we call it a department) or support already existing activities. You can be a leader at camp or help out by volunteering at other events. You can also register your interest in various board assignments at local, regional and national level - then we call you an elected official. As a volunteer and elected official in Unga Örnar, you are a role model for the children and young people we work with and an important force in the work for an equal childhood - where all children have the right to have fun! 


Become a volunteer today!

How nice that you want to start a Young Eagles business!

Fill in your contact details below and we'll help you get started!  



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