About Young Eagles

We are an organization where children, young people and adults fight for children's rights. We want to create a society where all children and young people have meaningful, fun and safe free time and an equal childhood.

What we do

We have activities all over Sweden! We have, among other things, camps, craft groups and other fun leisure activities for children and young people - often at no cost at all! click here to see where Young Eagles are in the country!

Our opinions

 We fight for all children in Sweden and the world to have a good time. We think that adults need to get better at listening to children and young people and that they should be allowed to participate in deciding! Click here to read more about which issues we think are important and what we want society to look like.

Postal address
National Association of Young Eagles
Box 522
101 30 Stockholm

Billing address
National Association of Young Eagles
c/o Sunderby Folk High School
Kråkbergsvägen 7
954 42 Södra Sunderbyn

visiting address

National Association of Young Eagles
Sveavägen 68
111 34 Stockholm
